Celtfest - a Fresh New Name for the Island's Annual Summer Festival!
A musical drama following five central characters from 1918 - 1929 was held at the Centenary Centre in Peel.
Isle of Architecture Celebrates with Concert in Peel Lifeboat House.
Visit Ramsey for the Annual Shennaghys Jiu Festival.
Newly Commissioned composition to premiere at Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival.
Unique Musical Collaboration brings three Gaelic Nations together at the Centenary Centre.
I have always been mad about music. Listening to tapes on my Sony Walkman cassette player and getting my first half-size guitar at the age of four was where it all started I guess.
Norwegian-Manx musical collaboration breaks new ground.
As the New Year celebrations came to a close, members of the early music group Hartes Ease came together in concert.
A diverse calendar of events enhanced by superb venues.